
Saturday, August 30, 2014

Aalayam - Planning for bigger and better!

Touched by the rousing feedback we received over the celebration of a century of posts, I sit and contemplate about what lies in the pipeline for Aalayam, as I look at this vignette arrangement in my living room. Image from Supriya's home.

Its time to plan ahead. We rarely sit on our laurels, so anxious are we to keep you engaged our dear readers, eager to keep you coming back for more, determined to keep you wanting more out of Aalayam.

Deepa and I look forward to figuring out how to make our little niche grow larger. We have been talking about it quite a bit. With Aalayam in the next 100 posts, we aspire to reach a wider audience, we hope to activate a lot more everyday inspiration, and of course, we aim to have tons more fun, and get more edified along the way. So, you get it, the key word here is MORE! 

MORE inspiration, MORE information and MORE cultural curation. 

In all the everyday spectra that matter to us - Life, Home, Culture, Food and Art. 

So I went to you. Our market, our niche, our crowd. I started asking first in my social media network. I asked you to voice your opinion.  One of the most crucial drivers of Aalayam's success over the last 100 posts. 

I asked you this question: "As we strive to make Aalayam bigger and better, what are the kind of posts you'd like to see?"

You responded with fabulously formed opinions on your desire to see different posts in Aalayam, about various things that mattered to you!! I can only feel fulfilled that you engaged, that you participated in the whole planning process for Aalayam.  

I promise you, I will work with the editorial team to bring to you what you want to see. Because you matter. You truly do.

Here's the list of your responses. In all candor, no edits.

Deepa sends her love and her well curated inspiration straight from the heart of Paris. Stay tuned for more party planning, decor, travel and casa related posts from all over the world from Deepa's scribe.  Image from Deepa's home.

That is a good list don't you think? But I still have one more, very vital group to ask the same question - you fellow bloggers!!!! Here goes.

 "As we strive to make Aalayam bigger and better, what are the kind of posts you'd like to see?"

I really want to know. So please tune in and comment. Without you guys, and your constant patronage, Deepa and I would have let our enthusiasm get dampened. But you kept us going. So we want to hear from you. Tell us, what you want to see, and we will make it happen.




  1. Wow , This is really amazing ,Thanks for sharing your experience with us .
    Honeymoon packages to Mauritius

  2. good luck guys... i have always enjoyed reading your blog... and it inspires me as well... :):)

  3. Thank you Shaz! We love having you in our niche. You have always been such an avid supporter of Aalayam.


  4. Floral arrangements, Dinner table settings, different tried and tested party menus, planning kids birthday parties(I am sure we find it so difficult each time we want to do something different).
